In my last pastoral letter, we explored briefly “The Power within Us” (Eph 3:20). What is the nature of this power? According to Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, this power is not the outward power of controlling nature or raising the dead, but the inward power of love, and of sacrificial love in particular (Eph 3:14-19; 4:1-2; 5:25). 

As God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine”, does that mean God will fulfil all that we desire? Since Paul did not explicitly specify what “all we ask or imagine” referred to, many people would naturally assume that they can put all they can 

“ask or imagine” into their prayers and ask God to fulfil them. That might include anything from a new job, good weather, travel plans, or even romantic love, etc. However, based on the previously discussed difference between the power inside and the power outside of us, what God does, by the power of His immeasurable love, must be concerning the relationship between Him and us. God does not want us to just sit and wait, and let Him change the 

situation to fulfil our needs. Instead, He wants us to follow the guidance and power He has given within us, together with our obedience, to step by step fulfil what we ask or imagine. 

Many Christian parents are worried whether their children would continue to trust in God when they grow up. Thus, they would anxiously pray for their children, and force or bribe them to church. However, some research in US has found that 80% of young adults who are still actively involved at church do so because of their parents’ examples. Of course, it’s 

important to pray for our children / family. However, maybe we should consider Paul’s reminder, that we should not keep asking God to change others, but for us to follow God’s guidance in our hearts, together with the power of His love and our obedience — by changing our own attitudes, or by letting God’s love heal the hurts in our hearts — so that we can love 

those who have not lived up to our expectations, or those who have previously hurt us. Only then would our love for them change them. 

When we learn to forgive and accept others with the power of God’s love, we can let God’s love flow through us to bless others and achieve what is above what we can ask or imagine. Right now, can you think of anyone in your family or circle of friends who is in need? How would you ask God to first change you with the power of His love, so that you can then bless 

those around you?

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