I have a confession to make. Whenever I shake hands or hug someone, I try to wash my hands afterwards. Ever since I’ve done this, I’ve stopped catching colds.

That’s because we catch the cold by touching someone who has a cold. They did a study where one group of people kissed a sick baby. Another group of people hugged the sick baby. The huggers got sick more than the kissers.

In the Bible, Jesus was forever touching people who were sick, dying or dead!

For example, Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a “fever”. She had an infectious disease which was killing her. I wouldn’t have dared touch her – in case I caught whatever was killing her. But Jesus touched her.

We often take this to mean how much Jesus loved people.

But it also means that Jesus had the power (1) not to be infected himself, (2) to “reverse-infect” the person with Jesus’ purity, and (3) to restore the sick person back to health.

That’s actually why Jesus could also eat with “sinners”. Others were afraid to catch their wickedness. But Jesus had the power (1) not to be infected with their sin, (2) to “reverse-infect” the person with Jesus’ purity, and (3) to restore the sinner back to righteousness.

That’s why it’s OK to ask Jesus to come into our lives and touch us. He will. Because he loves us. But also because he has the power to heal, restore and resurrect us.

Article supplied courtesy of
Sam Chan is a public speaker for City Bible Forum and is the author of How to Talk About Jesus (Without Being That Guy)

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